“It is strange to be here. The mystery never leaves you alone. Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits. A world lives within you.”

John O’Donahue

Remote Services

Question Based Reading

This is a great option if you aren’t sure what service you would like or if you have big questions that you would like perspective on. It uses elements of the aura and past life reading in the context of looking directly at situations in your life that you want me to focus on.

60 mins |  $180  

Past Life Reading

Have you ever had a suspicion, that you have been here before?  Have thought you may have known your best friend or spouse in a past life? This reading is an excellent option for you! Unpacking past lives gives access to the soul’s wisdom.  In this reading, we will look at 3-4 past lives, and see how they relate to your current life. This service brings the wisdom from the past to this lifetime and ends cycles that no longer serve you. 

60 mins |  $180  

Meditation Lessons

Private meditation lessons are a great way to learn basic energy-healing skills you can use whenever you need them. Depending on your goals and how long we work together, we will work on various practices that help you ground your body, release old energy, protect your space from unwanted energetic vibrations, and cleanse your aura. If you have psychic abilities that you want better control of, tend to get too overwhelmed by life, or want to get to know yourself better, this lesson is for you.  

90 mins |  $180

Energy Healings

Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel crowded in your own body? Do you feel the pressure of the energy around you?  An energy healing is a great way to balance your vibrations.  In this session we will look at what isn’t working or what is stuck. Through the use of healing tools, I will help shift the energy in or around you to get things moving. 

60 mins |  $180

Aura Reading

Sometimes, it is nice to have someone check in and give an outsider’s perspective. The auric field has seven layers, each corresponding to a different layer. In this reading, we will go layer by layer to find the key points in each one, taking our time to find the beauty and direction in areas that feel challenging and validating the spots where you are already rocking it. This is a great reading if you need a general check-in.

60 mins |  $180  

In Person Services

Table Healings

During table healings, we go deep. Think day at the spa deep but for your aura. This healing is all about the relationship between your body and spirit incorporating high-level concepts about what it means to you to be alive. We will update the contract between you and your higher self by understanding your  manifestation and releasing energy around intergenerational trauma. This healing is in person only to request availability email me here 

60+ mins |  $225  

Chair Healing

If table healings are the spa day, this is like a nice quick chair massage for the aura.   This is less about body spirit connection and more about your aura, chakras, and energy channels…. In this we will cut cords, energetically ground your aura, get your energy moving, clear blocks in your physical form, and much more If you need a quick comb through this is a great option!  This healing is in person only, to request availability, give me a call!  

20+ mins |  $75

“I woke up thinking the work was done
I would not have to practice today
how naive to think healing was that easy
when there is no end point
no finish line to cross
healing is everyday work.”
-Rupi Kaur

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.